Cosmetics are not enough – how to firm the skin. Serum SPA Resort Japan by dr Irena Eris

Do you think that cosmetics are enough to make your skin firm? You couldn’t be more wrong! To have beautiful and younger-looking complexion, you must be physically active and eat clean. What’s the job of a face cream in all this? I am currently testing it out! Read on and see how SPA Resort Japan from dr Irena Eris deals with fine lines. 

When should you start making your skin firmer?

It is said, that around 30 years of age, the skin starts ageing and the first wrinkles are likely to occur due to the decrease of the collagen and hyaluronic acid level. This is considered the best time for introducing new skin care routines. Firming and moisturising products are your must-haves from now on. Moreover, there are other factors that have an influence on the condition of your skin and its pace of ageing. I would divide them into the following groups: external factors (environmental pollution, free radicals, solar radiation, smog, genes), and factors that depend on our behaviour (daily care, cosmetics, diet, lifestyle).

How to firm the facial skin?

There are a few methods, but satisfactory results are only obtained thanks to combining them all. First of all, firming is impossible without moisturising. Therefore, it is extremely important that you drink at least two litres of water on a daily basis, moisturise the skin with natural oil-based cosmetic, eat clean, work out regularly, and make sure to have enough sleep each night. What’s more, remember that vitamins, trace elements, plant and herbal extracts and minerals play a very important role in the skin firming process. Also, do not forget about antioxidants that will protect your complexion from premature ageing.

What to use to firm the skin?

I have chosen SPA Resort Japan serum from Irena Eris. It is a perfect complement to the exercises and diet that I have been following for some time now. How does this cosmetic work? It is intended for normal skin and its most important task is to moisturize and improve firmness. It has a light consistency that ensures ease of application and quick absorption. The product contains Japanese cherry extract, ginger extract, oil extract and vitamin E. These ingredients give the skin a young and radiant look. What’s more, the product reduces wrinkles, lightens discolouration and prevents dehydration of the complexion. How do I use SPA Resort Japan serum from Dr. Irena Eris? I use the product in the morning on a thoroughly cleansed and towel-dried face. During the application, I give my face a massage that improves blood circulation and helps to wake me up.

Do you have similar ways of firming the skin? What’s your favourite product? Have you used SPA Resort Japan serum from Irena Eris?

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