Oily skin vs. a diet. What foods to avoid with acne-prone skin?


Today’s post is dedicated to those who face the problem of oily and acne-prone skin. Do you take care of your skin by using various cosmetics, undergo different beauty treatment and there’s still no improvement? In this situation, it may be worth looking at what we supply our skin from the inside. When taking care of oily skin, the diet is extremely important. Improperly selected one is able to worsen the condition of the skin, even despite proper care.

What to avoid if you have oily skin?

  • Red, fatty meat, fried, high in saturated fat, raises cholesterol in the body which reflects on the complexion.
  • Full-fat dairy products can exacerbate the symptoms of acne. In addition, they accelerate the ageing of the skin. It is worth giving up cheese, butter, etc.
  • White bread and pasta do not contain fibre and many other valuable nutrients. A diet based on white flour products results in excessive secretion of sebum.
  • Salty snacks like chips and crackers contain trans fats that have a negative effect on oily skin.
  • Sweets cause an increase in the level of hormones and sugar in the blood, and this affects the increased production of sebum and causes the skin to become oily.

It is also worth minimizing caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages.

What type of diet is recommended for people with oily and acne-prone skin?

  • The key element of every diet (and every skin type) is water. oily skin requires water in order to remove toxins from the organism. You must drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
  • Raw fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins; mainly in vitamin C and vitamins A, E and vitamins from group B. Vegetables and fruits can also be eaten in the form of green cocktails.
  • It is better to replace wheat bread with whole grain rich in fibre and replace substitute white pasta with brown rice.
  • Green tea drunk in the morning supports cleansing the body of toxins.

There are many factors to deal with problems with oily and acne-prone skin. Sometimes it is genetically determined, sometimes the reason is unregulated hormone economy. In this case, the diet will not completely eliminate the problem, but it certainly will not exacerbate it. Try out!
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