Is It Possible to Get Better Skin Quickly? See My Tried & Tested Remedies

I’d like to share my tried and tested ways for getting a clear face. You don’t need to spend a fortune on specialist products or treatments. All you need to do is introduce some changes into your daily routine – you won’t be bothered by any skin gripes any more! 🙂

I’d been fighting with acne for many years. My skin’s been much better since I built some secret remedies into my routine and I’m gonna share them with you today. Want to know them? Keep reading!

Quick Fixes for Better, Clearer Skin

1. Face toner

One of the best ways for getting better skin. Wipe it across the face twice a day morning and evening. It guarantees better condition of skin because it restores its natural pH. At the same time it primes the face for next stages of skin care like applying serum or moisturizer. With a toner, the ingredients will sink in more easily so you’ll boast a glowing face more quickly! I believe toner to be a key product because it additionally helps get rid of the dirt that make-up remover fails to handle. Use it regularly – I guarantee you’ll see huge improvement.

2. Thorough make-up removal

It’s not as obvious as you think. Some women, to my terror, go to sleep with make-up on. It’s an ultimate no-no! Not removing make-up fully or not doing it at all always leads to serious skin problems. If you don’t put your mind to it, your face may be covered in toxins, smog, dust or oil buildup that accumulate throughout the day. Really, make-up removal DOES MATTER! The face can’t bounce back if you don’t spare a moment for full cleansing. Naturally, always remember to use a toner afterwards!

3. SPF-rich moisturizer

FYI, solar radiation causes extreme damage to our skin not only in the summer! Even in the winter the sunlight is strong so an SPF-rich moisturizer is essential to enjoy healthy, flawless skin. The sunrays get through the clouds affecting the skin on a rainy day too. They can’t get through a barrier built by a good UV cream, though. I recommend SPF 50 products because then you’re sure about full protection. Never forget to use it! You can apply it under make-up to make sure your face is protected from the harmful UV rays.

4. Face yoga

Taken aback? You shouldn’t be! After all, the face has muscles too. There are lots of them, actually. By doing face yoga regularly, you boast a radiant, younger-looking, wrinkle-free face. Just a few minutes every day gave me much firmer skin which stopped being limp and dull. Not giving in to the passing time 🙂 Yoga is a natural way to delay changes that come with age. Combining properly-done exercises with breath, diet and conscious facial expression can work wonders!

5. Body yoga!

Are you familiar with the pleasurable endorphins after a workout? Yoga has a very beneficial effect on the mood and speeds up metabolism and detox in every cell of the body. Physical activity brings totally fantastic benefits for our bodies. It also helps the skin – wrinkles appear with great delay and we can enjoy a youthful look much longer.

6. Hydrated body & rest

Everyone knows that right? It’s common knowledge an optimally hydrated body and good night’s sleep are the best remedies for all skin problems, but also health issues. Sleep allows our bodies to regenerate so all important repair processes occur at night. That’s why skincare products are divided into day and night cosmetics because the skin soaks up more nutrients and repairing ingredients at night. Drinking water guarantees healthy, radiant skin as the body is mostly made from water. Always remember to devote enough time to resting!

What are your ways to keep the skin lovely? Do you know any secret tricks for stopping the aging process? I’m dying to see your comments! <3