How NOT to apply your make-up? The common make-up mistakes


You’ll surely be like, you obviously know how to do your make-up and that you need no advice and yet… as it turns out most of us makes basic mistakes when it comes to make-up. Are you in this group? Read on and find out how NOT to apply your make-up.

1. Make-up mistake – wrong foundation color

Classic. For most women, the choice of correct foundation seems to be sacred knowledge that’s hard to obtain. It’s because we usually choose the product in artificial light used in stores and once you go out into the light of the day – it looks like the color or tone is simply not for you. For this reason, next time take 3 foundations in small jars – from the testers. Ask the shop assistant to help you choose the 3 best options and once you get home apply products on the jawline and look at them in the daylight… since we at it – another common misconception about the foundation is that you usually apply it up until the jawline and create this characteristic ‘edge’  which is visible from afar and looks like a boundary created between your face and neck. Yikes!

2. Too dark or too heavy brows make-up

We know that thick and full eyebrows are now trending but people tend to look less like Dua Lipa and more like Bert from Sesame Street… just keep in mind that each one of us is different and we all look better in something different. The thickness and shape of eyebrows should match your face shape to create one-of-a-kind and beautiful make-up that will make you look as charming as ever. You do not have to try so hard to follow the trends one to one because you are trendy just the way you are! Being yourself is trendy and those thick brows… leave them to Bert. 😀

3. Too strong contouring with bronzer

Yeah… we want it Instagram style and it is how it always is… before you start this make-up that you found on Instagram, just remember that the make-up done for one picture is not necessarily presenting itself too good on the daily basis. Use bronzer with moderation to avoid making your face features appearing as sharper than those actually are because it will make you look older!

4. Too dark undereye concealer

Unfortunately, it is yet another common mistake and such that will stick out. The concealer should be a tone brighter than the foundation – it’s a basic rule that you should keep in mind when choosing the color of your concealer. It is best to buy it at the same time as the foundation. Qualified drugstore staff will help you make the best decision.

5. Too much loose powder

It’s a true nightmare with the loose powder, isn’t that right? You take too much of it and then all of it lands on your face as smudges and smears. On sunny days or in intense lighting it will be highly visible! That is why before you place this brush against your skin, grub it upright and tap it a few times against the counter. The excess product will fall and you will be able to apply just the right amount you need.

Those 5 mistakes are the most common ones when it comes to make-up though obviously there is more. Perhaps there are some you know about? Let me know in the comments section!

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